The most powerful out-of-the-box analytics for games.
Map your player's real-time user behavior!
Your game's real revenue, tracked from every source!
Unlock undiscovered insights into your games by building dashboards your own Custom Workspace!
Advanced Live Ops for your games made simple!
Every cent of your game's marketing tracked.
Maximize your games engagement with Push Notifications.
We couldn’t be more excited to share that CrazyGames has partnered with ByteBrew to unlock a new frontier of performance analytics and live ops for web games in their global web gaming portal.
With this new collaboration, support for ByteBrew will be available directly in CrazyGames' developer portal, enabling valuable insights into both gameplay and engagement for the CrazyGames developer community. Check out the full news coverage on PocketGamer!
Checkout the full article covered on PocketGamer.
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