The most powerful out-of-the-box analytics for games.
Map your player's real-time user behavior!
Your game's real revenue, tracked from every source!
Unlock undiscovered insights into your games by building dashboards your own Custom Workspace!
Advanced Live Ops for your games made simple!
Every cent of your game's marketing tracked.
Maximize your games engagement with Push Notifications.
Access cutting edge Live Ops tools to optimize your games remotely in real-time using our advanced Remote Configs and A/B Testing products.
Make live in-game changes to your games without shipping updated builds to the app stores.
Use our advanced group configs to build schedules for automated rotating in-game updates.
Create multivariate tests in your games to make informed and effective updates.
Learn insights about your A/B Test by understanding every aspect of your test's effect on user behavior.
Use user segmentation on ByteBrew to validate winning test variants by rolling out variants in stages.
Determine winning variants by measuring converted users who interact with specific tracked events and subparameters.
Make in-game updates to your players in real-time straight from the ByteBrew dashboard without updating the app stores.
Revolutionary A/B Testing that measures the entire scope of your experiments, and rolls out winning vairants to user groups in stages.
What are you waiting for?