The most powerful out-of-the-box analytics for games.
Map your player's real-time user behavior!
Your game's real revenue, tracked from every source!
Unlock undiscovered insights into your games by building dashboards your own Custom Workspace!
Advanced Live Ops for your games made simple!
Every cent of your game's marketing tracked.
Maximize your games engagement with Push Notifications.
Instantly access the most comprehensive suite of data tools with Custom Workspace to start building everything you need to turn your game into a business.
Explore your games data by building and saving your own custom event queries.
Build your own player journey charts to visualize how your players transition through every part of your game.
Breakdown every part of your gameplay by deep diving into your custom event parameters.
Locate segments of your players that interact with different custom events day by day in your game.
Create custom segments of users, link them to refined event types and create formulas to build tailor made KPI's.
Create unlimited custom event sub-parameters in your games to dive as deep as you need into your game's data.
Save everything you build in your custom workspace to your own personalized dashboards.
Unlock cutting-edge data tools to analyze multiple custom events and user segments, design customized chart breakdowns, and compute custom functions on your game's data.
Go step by step in your player's jounrey to understand how users transition through your game by designing real-time player funnels.
Get in-depth analysis of your game's data by creating breakdowns of your custom event sub-parameters.
Locate groups of your players that interact with specific parts of your games.
What are you waiting for?